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Today Date : Saturday, January 25, 2025

Coimbatore Nature Conservation Society  releases wildlife calendar

Coimbatore Nature Conservation Society releases wildlife calendar

Coimbatore Nature Conservation Society (NCS) released 2024 calendar. Wildlife
found in Western Ghats, hills, species of birds and mammals, important ecological days of the year 2024, wildlife where they were taken, month, and days are printed in this calendar.
It is printed in two types, one as a table calendar and one as a wall calendar.
These photographs have been taken by wildlife photographers Nithyanmaniyarasu, and J.Anash Ahamed.  Coimbatore Aanaimalai TigerReserve Field Director and Conservator of Forest Coimbatore circle Mr.S. Ramasubramanian released, the calendar.Nature Conservation Society NCS President N.I. Jalaluddin said the calendar wasdesigned to create awareness among the general public and school studentsabout the importance of wildlife, birds and nature and water bodies. In the program, Mr.I.J.Askar Ahmed, Mr. Peter Prem Chakravarty, wildlife Biologist, NCS members and Forest Officers participated