Tirupur Collector Dr S Veneeth advised 2 wheeler riders to wear helmets to safeguard their lives.
Inaugurating road safety awareness program held at Nanjappa Boys HSS, Tirupur, he said that last year 90 persons died in Tirupur town in the accidents and many lives could be saved if they wore helmets. Accidents are common. Instead of feeling that police could alone check accidents, people should follow road safety and traffic norms for the safety of their families. Students should ask their parents to wear helmets and follow traffic norms.
He administered road safety pledge to public, offered helmets and released posters and short film on road safety. Tirupur Corporation Commissioner Pavankumar Giriyappanavar, City Police Commissioner Pravinkumar Abinabu, sub Collector Jai Narayanan, DEEO Amudha and many others attended.