CREDAI Chennai in association with Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) recently organized an interactive workshop for real estate developers on the Tamil Nadu Online single-window clearance system to provide approval for housing sites and building plan approvals. According to the organisors, the workshop aimed to bring awareness about the online approval system among the developers and architects.
Post the presentation CMDA officials had Q&A sessions with the developers and clarified their doubts about the Tamilnadu Online Single Window clearance system. Speaking at the workshop Mr. Anshul Mishra, Member Secretary, CMDA urged “CREDAI Chennai to organize more such workshops to fine-tune the Tamilnadu Online single-window clearance system as much as possible and as early as possible”.
Mr. Anshul Mishra, IAS, Member Secretary, CMDA, and his team participated in the workshop and made a presentation and showcased how to use the online approval system to the members at the workshop on Tamilnadu Online Single window approval systems which went online from May 1st, 2022, in the state.