Dr. E Muthuraman from Tamil Nadu, Vice Chairman of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Promotional Council, who participated as a “Chief Guest” at the D-Arc Build Exhibition held in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, honoured the participants who exhibited well in the exhibition. He requested the exhibitors to organize the next event at Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
D-arc BUILD exhibition 2022 was held between September 22nd S 2022 to Semptember 25th 2022 at Paragati Maidan, New Delhi. More than 5000+ architects, 3000+ interior designers, 2000+ builders and developers and 50000+ visitors participated in the 3 days event. D-arc BUILD is a distinctive showcase of Design, Architecture, Building and Construction related technologies. Dr. E Muthuraman was felicitated as “Guest of Honour” by Dr.Ashish Agarwal, Founder, Franchise Bahao.