A magnificent eight-feet-tall statue of Lord Murugan, crafted from a single stone, has been unveiled reportedly for the first time in Tamil Nadu at the Kumbabishegam ceremony held in Salem Pallasapatti
The consecration ceremony, organized by K.P.R. Ayyal Oil Mills, marked a historic event as devotees from across Tamil Nadu gathered to witness the divine installation of the Murugan idol at the Arulmigu Pazhani Sri Bala Thandayuthapani Temple Swami, accompanied by devotees, carried the holy water to the temple, initiating the grand festival.
The festivities included the decoration of the temple with exquisite ornaments and the performance of the Mahadeeparadhana, attracting enthusiastic participation from thousands of
The event witnessed the gathering of devotees from various parts of Salem Pallasapatti Mandalam, with around a thousand participants visiting to witness the darshan of Arulmigu Pazhani Sri Bala Thandayuthapani.