Havells India's Lloyd brand has launched its 'Make in India' strategy by launching its first designer air conditioner range, the Lloyd Stellar & Stylus, and refrigerators with Rapid Cool Technology. The company has also introduced its Novante Fully Automatic Washing Machines and expanded its Google QLED TV lineup to include new 85-inch and 100-inch models with advanced far-field technology.
The launch of these products reflects the brand's commitment to innovation, research, and development, solidifying its position as one of the top air-conditioning manufacturing companies in India. The company has also launched a new air conditioner manufacturing plant in Sri City, which has an annual production capacity of 1 million air conditioners, increasing its total annual production capacity to 2 million units. The Stellar & Stylus series caters to the evolving preferences of Indian consumers, who view their homes as extensions of their identity and a medium for social expression.