Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board distributed saplings and cloth bags to the general public in Erode District Collectorate on the occasion of International Clean Air Day on Tuesday.
District Collector H Krishnan Unni inaugurated the event.
The TNPCB district environmental engineer Udayakumar said the UN General Assembly, at its meeting on Dec 19, 2019, decided to observe clean air day on Sept 7 every year to create awareness among public on the need to protect environment and ensure clean air. So, International Clean Air Day for Blue Skies was observed from 2020. The aim is to reduce environmental pollution caused by chemicals in air, water and soil by 2030 and reduce the resulting deaths and diseases.
It is essential to check air pollution not only for human beings but also for all living things in the world. This year's theme of the day is 'The Air We Share'. So, all should come forward to protect the environment through air quality and waste management. Free saplings and handbags were distributed in many parts of the district today to celebrate the occasion, he said.