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Today Date : Thursday, January 23, 2025

Intl Award for Nandha Engg College in Erode

Intl Award for Nandha Engg College in Erode

A student wing of American Concrete Institute has been functioning since 2017 in the Department of Construction Engineering at Nandha College of Engineering. 
In the current academic year, about 57 engineering educational institutes operating in different countries have been awarded through various competitions organized by the American Concrete Institute. 
Nandha College received this award for the fourth time. Students S. Premkumar, J.Ritika, M. Yogeswari received the award and a cash prize of Rs 45,000.  
The Principal U.S. Raghupathi, Dean E.K. Mohanraj, Assistant Professor C.U. Manikandan, College President V. Shanmugan, Secretaries S. Nandakumar Pratip and S. Thirumurthy felicitated them.