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Today Date : Tuesday, January 14, 2025

KMCH sets a national record in breast cancer screening at Coimbatore

KMCH sets a national record in breast cancer screening at Coimbatore

 The Kovai Medical Center and Hospital (KMCH), Coimbatore, achieved a national record on Sunday by performing screening mammograms on 270 patients in a single day to raise awareness about breast cancer. Mammography is a sophisticated x-ray taken of the breast to detect early cancer. Early detection of breast cancer has been proven to have a 95% cure rate. Unlike the global average, 50% of breast cancer cases in India are detected at an advanced stage, leading to poor outcomes. 
The hospital collaborated with the Tirupur and Coimbatore police and District administrations and offered Free screening to their women staff.  KMCH Breast Cancer Clinic headed by Dr.Rupa Ranganathan is passionate about raising awareness by conducting multiple events every year including placing sign boards on Avinashi Road, Trichy Road and Sathyamangalam Road with the message Breast Cancer is Curable
KMCH is the only hospital in Western Tamil Nadu that has two 3D mammogram machines and a mobile mammogram unit.  
The record-breaking event was witnessed by representatives from the Asia and India Book of Records.