Nearly 2 out of 3 Men (65%) take Investment decisions largely independently, but only a minority (44%) of women do so, revealed the DSP Winvestor Pulse 2022 Study. DSP Mutual Fund unveiled the findings of the DSP Winvestor Pulse 2022 Survey in association with research agency YouGov.
The study found that a much higher proportion of men (40%) as compared to women (27%) take entirely independent investment decisions (without consulting a professional advisor). Among those who take investment decisions along with someone else, women (67%) claimed to consult their spouse much more than men (48%) do. More than double the proportion of men (26%) said that they consulted their father for making investment decisions than women (10%).
DSP Winvestor Pulse 2022
The survey also uncovered that husbands (21%) play a bigger role in introducing women to investing than their fathers (12%). On the other hand, most men claimed to be self-taught investors. A larger percentage of men also claimed they were introduced to investments by their father (15% for men vs 12% for women), friends & social circle (18% for men & 11% for women). DSP Winvestor Pulse 2022 was conducted as part of DSP Mutual Fund’s Winvestor initiative, a program to encourage women to take charge of their investment decisions and to instill confidence in them, so they don’t depend on someone else to control their finances.