In the Group-1 examination conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, a girl named Bhavaniya from a simple family in East Chetiap Patti, a small village of VadavalamPanchayat near Alangudi, Pudukottai district, studied in Tamil medium and without going to any special classes, she progressed by herself in the classroom and passed in the first attempt and has been selected as the Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Bhavaniya is the 3rd daughter of Veeramuthu andVeerammal, a couple who run a tea shop in their hometown. Realizing her family situation, Bhavaniya continued her studies by going to work as an agricultural labourer.
In a society where education has been deprived to females on the grounds that girls should not pursue education by doing such a rare feat and proving that girls not only have the intellectual sharpness but that they can attain success on their own and achieve their life mission, Bhavaniya’s feat deserves much praise.
Bhavaniya has proved that village background or studying in Tamil medium is no barrier to progress in life. She has said that she will serve the people as much as he can from the post of outgoing DSP.
May Bhavaniya's success story be a lesson to the younger generation.
Let's sing congratulations and praise!