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Today Date : Friday, September 13, 2024

Let us shun Plastic Products

Let us shun Plastic Products

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has issued the amended rules for one- time-use-plastics amid Prime Minister Narendra Modi's appeal to abolishing it by 2022.

One-time-use-plastics and plastic bottles and cups which pose great danger to the environment are found ubiquitously. As one- time-use-plasticsare not recycled they accumulate hugely every day. India has banned the production, import, stocking, sales and distribution of certain plastics that do more harm to the environment.

Ocean, land and in-land water eco-systems are getting polluted by harmful one- time-use-plastics to an worrying extent and pose major challenge to countries in controlling it. India has taken a firm step in reducing one time use plastics. On the list of banned plastic items are plastic sticks, plastic sticks for baloons, plastic flags, candy and ice cream sticks, decorative polystyrene (Thermocol), plastic plates, sweet box packing materials, cups, invitation cards, cigarette packets and plastic or PVC banners below 100 microns.

The Government is also taking measures to create awareness to abolish one time use plastics. Let us join hands and participate in the government's efforts in abolishing plastics.  We must shun from buying plastic products. Let us listen to the Prime Minister's appeal.