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Today Date : Sunday, December 08, 2024

Lorry owners assn petitions against wrongful imposition of online fines

Lorry owners assn petitions against wrongful imposition of online fines

Erode Lorry Owners Association President Mylswamy, Secretary Rajendran and Treasurer Sampath today submitted a petition in the Erode District SP office seeking regularization of wrongful imposition of fines through online.

The vehicles parked on the side of the road and moving vehicles are fined under General Offences without mentioning the offence by noting the registration number of the vehicles. The vehicles operating in the northern states on contractual basis are fined in Tamil Nadu for not following the road rules.

Online fine system

Penalties are imposed for not wearing seat belt, not wearing  helmet and other reasons, so the vehicle owner faces a lot of difficulty in remitting the quarterly tax, eligibility certificate and permits for the vehicle. Therefore, such online fine system can be cancelled.

The driver can be stopped and the vehicle check and the documents etc be verified and fines be imposed if there is  any offence. Name of the offending driver along with signature and driver number can also be mentioned on the fine receipt. Therefore, this petition is being submitted emphasizing that this type of online penalty system should be reconsidered to save the truck industry and improve the livelihood of truck owners, they pleaded.