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Today Date : Saturday, February 08, 2025

M.M Murugappan  converses with, "Engineered in India’ author" book

M.M Murugappan converses with, "Engineered in India’ author" book

Aiming to unravel the thinking behind the book, Engineered in India: From Dreams to Billion-Dollar CYIENT, Mr. M.M Murugappan, Chairman, Carborundum Universal in conversation with the author of the book,Dr. B.V.R Mohan Reddy addressed the audience at an event organized by the Madras Management Association (MMA). 

The two dived deep into the theme of the book – entrepreneurship and Dr. BVR Mohan Reddy, Founder-Chairman & Board Member, Cyient Ltd., said, “I believe, locals (across geographies) who have similarities in terms of culture, the value system, the ethos are much better in conversing, convincing and providing the comfort to a customer compared to a foreign individual. For a local, earning trust and confidence amongst the customers becomes easier.”

Transportation or healthcare

Mr. Murugappan further asked, “What does future hold for India?” Dr. Reddy states, “Future looks very promising for entrepreneurship. The environment today is very conducive for the growth of this nation than it was earlier. 

In addition to this, the ease of doing business has improved. Interestingly, this decade will be driven by technology and AI - TECHade. Additionally, ChatGPT too has gained popularity, and is all set to get integrated in every industry whether its agriculture, logistics, transportation or healthcare - leading to a lot of opportunities.

Technology-led innovation coupled with entrepreneurship is the perfect engine for job creation. It will empower India to become self-reliant and allow it to stand tall in the knowledge-intensive global economy.” B.V.R. Mohan Reddy is an Indian entrepreneur and founder-chairman of Cyient, a global technology solutions company. He pioneerred outsourced engineering services from India in 1991.