Cadres of Mahila Congress wing led by Erode Maanagar district unit president Gnanadeepam staged a stir at Erode Moolapalayam with carrying torches on Wednesday evening in protest against disqualification of Congress president Rahul Gandhi from Parliament. In her speech, she said that the stir was held as per the guidance of the wing state president lawyer Sudha Ramakrishnan. The action against Rahul was taken only because of his fierce speeches against BJP rule and especially about the links between PM and his friend Adani.
So, a old defamation case in the Surat court was revived against him and, ironically, the court sentenced him for 2 years. It is an unprecedented one. But, immediately, the Parliament secretariat snatched his MP seat, indicating the 'conspiracy' of BJP to gag his mouth from speaking further on industrialist Adani. Luckily, now, the action hepled people of the entire world to know the omissions and commissions of the BJP rule.
Above all, the conspiracy increased the popularity of Rahul Gandhi to many fold, which has already risen due to his Barath Jodo Yathra. So, we thank BJP and PM for indirectly helping Congress to come to power in Karnataka in May and also at the Centre in next year's LS poll, she said. Party functionaries Thiruselvam and KN Basha attended.