Mark Zuckerberg announced several new features that create more ways for people to engage with WhatsApp Channels. He announced the news on his WhatsAppChannel, along with a poll asking for a vote on the ‘best game of all time’ – “We're announcing a bunch of new features for WA channels including voice notes, multiple admins and sharing to status and polls, which is great because I need help settling a debate.”
WhatsApp Channels has surpassed 500 million monthly active users and there are thousands of Channels for people to follow including Mumbai Indians, Ram Charan, AlluArjun, Katrina Kaif, Vijay Deverakonda, Master Your Money, Bad Bunny,Netflix, National Geographic, Mercedes- AMGPetronasF1, and more.
WhatsApp Channels is a private way to receive important updates from people and organizations, right within WhatsApp and are separate from your private chats. If you’re looking to hear about more product updates directly from us, you can follow the official WhatsApp Channel to keep you up-to-date on what we’re building.