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Today Date : Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mayor and Collector review meeting with Corporation physicians and staff

Mayor and Collector review meeting with Corporation physicians and staff

The District Collector review meeting with the Corporation physicians, staff about health services being carried out in the Corporation areas under the chairmanship of the Mayor.

According to a press release,  April 19th held  review meeting at the Corporation Office Conference‌ hall, led by Mayor N.Dinesh Kumar, District Collector Dr. S. Vineeth Ias, the health work being carried out in the corporation areas. 

All the projects, including the Chief Minister's makkalai thedi maruthuvam and former Chief Minister Dr. kalaigarin kaanoli kaappom programs are being implemented in a special way and review, the outpatient, inpatient treatment and inpatient services of the welfare services of 17 urban primary health centers located in Tirupur Corporation.

Maximum target achievement of various services including scan test for pregnant women deliveries at urban primary health center, diagnosis of Infectious Diseases under makkalai thedi maruthuvam program and  psychiatric training. Patients for cataract surgery, laboratory tests for dengue, malaria, Internal and external hygiene maintenance of urban primary health centers. The review meeting attended by physicians, nurses and staffs.