Milaap, India's leading crowdfunding platform, held a heartwarming event on Wednesday to commemorate Paediatric Cancer Awareness Month. In partnership with the Institute of Child Health & Hospitals for Children and Aroh, a renowned NGO specialising in childhood cancer support, Milaap brought together eminent paediatric specialists and oncologists in Chennai to offer support and guidance to families grappling with this formidable disease. It culminated in the unveiling of a Handbook, titled, "Navigating Healthcare in Chennai: A Caretaker’s Handbook", an initiative spearheaded by Milaap. Mr. Anoj Viswanathan launched the book in the presence of dignitaries.
Following this uplifting start, distinguished Paediatric Oncologists from ICH were joined by Dr. Revathy Raj, a specialist in Pediatric Hematology at Apollo Hospitals, Dr. Ponni Sivaprakasam, MBBS, MRCPCH (London), Senior Consultant in Pediatric Oncology at Global Hospital, and Bindu Nair from Aroh.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Anoj Viswanathan, President and Co-Founder of Milaap, said, "Every year around 70,000 cases of childhood cancer are diagnosed in India. In such scenarios, our community of generous donors play a pivotal role in providing much-needed financial assistance to patients to pursue expensive medical treatments."
Ms. Bindu N Nair, Managing Trustee of Aroh,stated, “In cases of Paediatric treatment, not just the child but the families too need an immense amount of counselling to strengthen them mentally. They need the assurance that they are not alone in this fight.”