Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin is a historical hero for social justice who not only brings education among the young generation but also inspires. His project 'I am the first' is outstanding. Recently the G20 Education Council conference was held in Chennai for two days.
Union Education Secretaries Sanjay Murthy (Higher Education) and Sanjay Kumar (School Education) who participated in the conference, which was attended by a large number of representatives from the world, told the reporters, "The G20 conference will serve as a guide for sharing better education across the world, exploring the challenges and solving them.
Technology will be important in the education sector in the future. The use of technology in the education sector has been slow for the past 15 years. It needs to be further improved. We plan to fully implement the National Education Policy within the next one-and-a-half year.
The Tamil Nadu government's ``NaanMudhalvan Scheme '' is excellent. It will be recommended to implement such a program in other states as well," they said. With the Union Government approving the ``NaanMudhalvan'' scheme, the government led by M.K.Stalin has been crowned the first in the Indian subcontinent.
It is welcome that the Union Government, which is always looking for an opportunity to heap accusations against the Tamil Nadu government, has said that the "NaanMuluvan" project should be modelled in Tamil Nadu and taken across India. At least the Union Government should stop obstructing the best education policy in Tamil Nadu in the name of national education!