The Road Safety Patrol of Nirmala College for Women, in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu Police Traffic Wardens, Coimbatore City, organised a program to raise awareness on road safety with the theme "Road Safety, Life Safety." The event took place in front of the college gate from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m.
Students, parents, drivers, and members of the general public were engaged in various activities aimed at promoting road safety.
The Road Safety Patrol Cadets showcased performances including R.S.P. Formation Dance, Buffoon Dance, Street Play, and Kolatam.
Under the guidance of Coimbatore City Police Commissioner V. Balakrishnan, and Er. J. Sam Babu, Chief Tamil Nadu Police Traffic Warden, Coimbatore City, the event was conducted smoothly. Dr. Maheswari P., Road Safety Patrol Officer of Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore, ensured the successful execution of the program.
The primary objective was to emphasise the importance of wearing seat belts and helmets while driving, and to adhere to all road safety laws and guidelines. The Road Safety Patrol cadets performed a "Street Play" and displayed signs promoting safe driving practices, including driving at a moderate speed and avoiding distractions.
The event was attended by College Secretary Rev. Sr. Dr. Kulandai Therese, Principal Rev. Sr. Dr. Mary Fabiola, Mr. Ranga Prabhu, Deputy Chief of Tamil Nadu Police Traffic Wardens, Coimbatore City, officials from the traffic cell of the police department, and faculty members. The presence of parents, media persons, and drivers of auto rickshaws, vans, and taxis contributed to the success of the awareness campaign.