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Today Date : Friday, September 13, 2024

Orientation  Programme at SREC

Orientation Programme at SREC

Orientation  Programme for the first year B.E/B.Tech students  of Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College  was held for two days at the college auditorium. Dr.N.R.Alamelu, Principal welcomed the gathering. Managing Trustee, Shri. D. Lakshminarayanaswamy SNR Sons Charitable Trust and Joint Managing Trustee R.Sundar  delivered the presidential address. 

Mr.Ravichandran Durairajan IT Center Head – Cameron, Sclumberger, Coimbatore, chief guest of the first day, encouraged students to kickstart the new chapter in their lives in an effective manner.  Ms.Sumithra Ranganathan , Vice president – Engineering , Capegemini Bangalore, chief guest of the second day, proceeded her speech with a presentation of  CapGemini Engineering , interpreting subtle data points about the current technical industry and its exigencies . 

The First batch( 1994-1998) alumnus  Mr.Mahesh Singh, Senior Principal Engineer, Cloud Brink chennai,  Mr,Balachander, Director of Software Engineer , Intel Bangaluru,  Ms.Thangamalar Sundaram, Assistant Chief Engineer – Research and Development, TAFE , Chennai,  were also encouraged the freshers how to reach the destiny and the industry expectations. At the end of the programme Dr.Uthayarani and Dr.Raghunath presented vote of thanks .