In Coimbatore, the Chinnakuttai tank, spanning 2.5 acres has now been refilled with water due to recent rains which brought relief to the locals. The tank desilting work was done very meticulously by Kovai Kulangal Padhukappu Amaippu team, led by Mr Manikandan. The restoration work was funded by Brookefields Estates Pvt Limited.
Mr.Ashwin Balasubramaniam , Chief Operating officer said “As a part of our CSR initiatitive we have partnered with Kovai Kulangal to desilt & restore the tank. I Thank Kovai Kulangal Pathugapu Amaipu for taking up this work and doing it diligently.'' Mr.Manikandan said. “ This area was very dry, with agricultural land being converted to residential projects, and groundwater levels dropping. Thanks to the restoration and recharge efforts, we believe agriculture will flourish again. We are delighted to partner with Brookefields which provides timely suppor to various NGOs.” As part of its CSR activities, Brookfields was already assisting many projects in and around Coimbatore region.