For the first time, Seed Ganesha, a clay Ganesha statue, has been put up for sale at the state-owned Erode Poompukar showroom for the first time on the occasion of Ganesha Chaturthi. Poompukar Showroom Manager K Arun said: After the festival, when the Ganesha idol is immersed in water bodies, trees are likely to grow in many places due to the seeds in it. It costs Rs 200.
Apart from this Ganesha idols made up off Panchalokam, brass paper pulp, Nuku wood, white wood, black metal etc are available for sale. Idols worth between Rs 100 and Rs 1 lakh are on display. Ganesha idol sales target is Rs 4 lakhs. Last year's sales were about Rs 2 lakhs. 10% sales discount is given.