Shiv Nadar University Chennai, has announced opening of admissions for its undergraduate programs- for the academic year 2022-23.
The University is inviting applications for the six programs it offers in the disciplines of Computer Science and Engineering, Commerce, and Economics.
According to press release from the institutions, this year, the University has introduced a new,
future-focused specialization in Cybersecurity for B.Tech in Computer Science in addition to the two currently being offered programs of B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science and B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (with a focus on Internet of Things).The University is also launching a new Department of Economics in the ‘School of Science and Humanities’ offering new-age specializations in programs like B.Sc. in Economics (Data Science).
Details of admission to all programs for the Academic Year 2022-23, including new programs are available on the University website .
Undergraduate programs offered at the University are: B. Tech. in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science,
B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security), B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (Internet of Things), B. Com / B. Com (Hons), B. Com (Professional Accounting) and B.Sc. Economics (Data Science).