Skoda auto India has announced two new cars - the Kushaq Onyx Plus and the Slavia Ambition Plus. The cars feature festive pricing, attractive new exchange benefits, and special corporate plans, all for a limited period.
The Kushaq Onyx Plus boasts all-new R16 Grus alloys and a Window Chrome Garnish. The front grille ribs and the trunk garnish at the rear are now finished in chrome. It is powered by the 1.0 TSI engine to a manual transmission. It costs Rs 11.59 lakh and is available in candy white and carbon steel colours.
The Slavia Ambition Plus is adorned with a Chrome Package for the front grille, lower door, and trunk garnish. The car will feature an in-built dash cam and is available in all-existing colour options. It will also be exclusive with the 1.0 TSI engine. It is available at the cost of Rs 12.49 lakh. Customers can choose between a 6-speed manual and automatic transmission Options.
Based on the made-for-India, ready-for-the-world MQB-A0-IN platform, they are part of the company’s India 2.0 project and have been instrumental in the company having the biggest year in 2022.
These cars have earned full 5-stars in the Global New Car Assessment Programme (GNCAP) for both adults and children. This is the only made-in-India platform to have achieved the feat, that too under GNCAP’s newer and more stringent test protocols. With the rating coupled with the ratings received under Euro NCAP for the Kodiaq luxury 4x4, Škoda Auto India has a 100% fleet of crash-tested cars rated 5-stars for adults and children.