Sonablate, a pioneering medical technology company, proudly unveils its latest innovation at the RajivGandhiCancerInstituteandResearchCentre, in Delhi: SonablateHIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) technology. This groundbreaking advancement is a minimally invasive robotic device offering precise and focused ablative energy to patients with prostate conditions. NovoMedIn Corporation PvtLtd is the authorised distributor of the Sonablate HIFU Robotic Device in India.
Speaking on the occasion, DrSudhirRawal, MedicalDirectorandChiefofGenitoUro–OncologyServices, RajivGandhiCancerInstituteandResearchCentre, opined, “It is a user-friendly device which requires proper training prior to the onset of the program. This procedure gives minimal discomfort and the least side effects to the patient.”
JayMehta, Director- Sales, NovoMed Incorporation Pvt Ltd, aptly sums it up by asserting, “We are thrilled to introduce Sonablate HIFU Technology, a game changer in the field of prostate care. This significant advancement inhealthcare technology will ensure a highly improved quality of life for patients with prostate conditions.”
The key benefit of the Sonablate HIFU Technology is the fact, that it is a customizable procedure targeting only the affected prostate issue, thereby reducing risk of collateral damage to surrounding healthy tissues. Further, it is also a minimally invasive, radiation-free, bloodless ablation with much shorter recovery periods.