Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday made an announcement regarding the establishment of a TIDEL park at the cost of Rs 600 crore in the city. The announcement was made by the Chief Minister while speaking at the southern zone conference, ‘Thol Kodupom Tholilgaluku’ organized by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Stalin has also launched the ‘Palli Puthakka mempattu’ scheme to help students think uniquely right from their school days.
Addressing the gathering, the Chief Minister said, “TIDEL park would be set up at 10 acres of land near Mattuthavani in the district at the cost of Rs 600 crore. The project would be implemented by Madurai corporation jointly with the TIDEL company. Two buildings would be constructed at five acres of land each. Employment opportunities for more than 10,000 people would be created.”
Stalin said, “When we say industrial growth, it does not mean just the corporates, but it also includes the growth of MSME sectors. With the growth of the MSME sector, a lot of employment opportunities would be created. The Tamil Nadu government has been taking consistent steps to help the MSMEs.”
“Madurai, which had developed Tamil language during Pandiyas period, is now leading the state in industrial growth. Employment opportunities to more than three lakh people have been created through 50,000 MSMEs functioning in the district,” he said. Of the 42 products that have got GI tags, 18 belong to the state and as the demand for these products with GI tag is more in foreign countries, companies should manufacture these products here and export it to foreign countries, he said.
Pointing out that Tamil Nadu has ranked third in ‘ease of doing biz’, he said that the state would work towards attaining the first position and the government has set a target of attaining one trillion dollar business by 2030.
Ministers PTR Palanivel Thiagarajan and Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi, secretaries to government departments and industrialists took part in the conference. Incentives were given to the MSMEs and banks during the event.