Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Thursday launched the free nutritious breakfast scheme for the government primary school students at Adhimoolam corporation primary school in Madurai district.
During the launching ceremony, Stalin had a meal with students and even fed a few students.
Under the scheme, nutritious breakfast would be provided to students in classes between I and V every morning and it is expected to encourage more students to continue their education. The scheme would be launched in 1,545 state-run primary schools across the state at the cost of Rs 33.56 crore and it would benefit over 1.14 lakh students in the initial phase.
Speaking to the reporters, Stalin said, “During my inspection to one of the state-run schools, I casually asked children whether they had breakfast and it came as a shock when many of them gave me a negative answer. That’s when I realized the immediate need for a breakfast scheme. Researchers also suggest that a breakfast scheme is essential especially in the post-pandemic period.”
Stating that the scheme is not a freebie but the duty of the government, he said that he is extremely happy to see smiles on the faces of the children while having breakfast. Reciting the words of Dravidian leaders Periyar, Annadurai and Karunanidhi, he said that poverty and caste should never be a hurdle for children to pursue studies. “I am following the principles laid by them.
It is during Karunanidhi’s period, a nutritious mid-day meal scheme was implemented. The government of his son will also function following his principles. I would go to any extent to remove children’s hunger,” he added.
Asking the students to concentrate on studies without any worries, he said that the government would not stop the scheme no matter what comes. He also urged the officials to implement the scheme in the same way they would feed their own children.