Housing Minister S Muthusamy inaugurated one day state level sitting paravolley competition at Erode Malligai Arangam, organised by TN Paravolley Association and Unarvugal, NGO, on Sunday. He granted his own fund of Rs 5000 each to 15 men and 5 women teams which took part in the event held for Chakravarthy Trophy. He assured to arrange special facility to hold diffables sports meet at the upcoming indoor stadium at the Erode CN College and houses for them.
TN paravolley association president Dr Makkalrajan pleaded to arrange trainers, monthly incentive for diffable sportspersons, cash prizes and government jobs for diffables who win in the national and state level sports meets, samathuvapuram model housing project for diffables and due help to hold national paravolleyball competition at Erode where already 4 meets were held with the help of sponsors, he added. Paralympic volleyball federation of india honorary president H Chandrasekar, officebearers Dr Albert Premkumar, C Jayaprabha, AS Prabhu, M Kumaresan, C Raja, S Navinkumar, TV Ravi and Arulselvan attended.