Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Saturday announced the government’s decision to increase pension for differently-abled people to Rs 1500 per month. “Pension to about 4.35 lakh differently-abled people has been increased from Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,500 and the announcement would come into effect from January 1 in the state.
This would lead to an additional expenditure of Rs 263 crore to the state government,” Stalin said. The announcement was made when Stalin participated in an event that was
organized to observe the International Day of Disabled persons in Chennai.
He also distributed several welfare aids to the beneficiaries before inaugurating an exhibition showcasing the handicrafts made by disabled people, mobile rehabilitation camps for six districts and skill development training. He also distributed laptops to 100 disabled people under ‘Naan Mudalvan’ scheme and awards to those who worked for the welfare of the disabled people.
Addressing the gathering, he said, “Irrespective of the occasions, the government has been working for the welfare of all sections of the people and the government’s aim is to make every single person in the state as an abled person. As far as differently-abled people are considered, we have worked to ensure that they endure no difficulties.”
We have been taking all the necessary steps to provide special attention to the people who are with physical disabilities, he said, insisting that they also deserve to be treated with equal respect and opportunities. Pointing out that a ramp has been constructed at Marina beach to make it accessible for everyone, he said that the state government has taken the step because it believed that everyone including the disabled-people have the right to enjoy the beach.
“When they enjoyed playing on the beach, I became happy seeing their happiness.
It is not one of those projects that requires huge funds but its impact is huge,” he added.
Pointing out that several competitions are being conducted on the occasion, he said that if only their talents were identified at the right time, there would be no doubt that they would reach heights as the state had already seen several such achievers including players Mariappan and Jerlin Anamika and founders of Amarsena foundation
Ramakrishnan and Sankara Raman and they had brought glory to the state.
“Gone are days when disabled people were constrained within their houses. Now, several of them are working with the government while several others have become writers, poets, teachers and philosophers. A country’s growth is determined based on its people’s growth,” he said, emphasizing the need to honour those who work for the welfare of the differently-abled people.