Tamil Nadu government has moved the Supreme Court against the Governor RN Ravi over delay in clearing government orders and bills that were sent by the legislative assembly and the state government.
Ever since Ravi assumed charge as the Governor, protests have been erupting against him in the state since he makes controversial remarks against Tamil culture, language and literature among other issues. Political parties have been condemning his conduct for trying to prevent the implementation of government welfare schemes. An Anti-NEET bill that has been passed by the assembly, has been pending before him for months together. This apart, as many as 13 bills are pending before him for his assent. He is also prevented from taking criminal actions against former ministers against whom corruption cases were slapped.
Instead, he has been making controversial remarks related to language, religion and culture, and trying to divert public attention. Now, the state government has moved the Supreme Court against the governor over delay in clearing bills. In a petition, the government said, “The governor has not approved any bill and government orders that were cleared by the state assembly and the state government.” The petition is likely to be heard at the earliest.