TTK Prestige has launched its Svachh Neo Gas Stove with easy and safe cleaning features like liftable burners, which makes cleaning up a breeze. The invention was conceived in response to extensive research across the country that revealed homemakers were becoming increasingly frustrated with the difficulty of cleaning gas stoves after use. With liftable burners, TTK Prestige's Svachh Neo gas stove addressed this consumer’s pain point. Thus, ensuring a safe and easy cleaning process.
Two and three-burner gas stoves available
The Svachh Neo gas stove comes in four different models, offering home cooks a variety of options. There are two and three-burner gas stoves available, as well as two four-burner models. The jumbo burner, available in three and four-burner models, is ideal for faster cooking. Svachh Neo gas stove comes with ISI certification.
The 2-burner model costs Rs 8245, while the 3-burner model costs Rs. 10945. There are also four burner models and all models are available in Prestige exclusive outlets.