The Registrar of the Madras High Court had sent a circular to all district courts asking them to remove the statues and portraits of leaders other than Mahatma Gandhi and Thiruvalluvar in the court premises in Puducherry, Tamil Nadu?
It is reported that the full bench of the High Court has taken this stand pointing out the law & order problem including the demands from lawyers' associations to place pictures and statues of various political party leaders in the court premises and the vandalism of statues of national leaders.
This announcement by the Madras High Court Registrar’s Office that AnnalAmbedkar's photograph should not be placed in courts caused shock and anguish among the people. It is unacceptable to think of not placing the photograph of the jurist Great ThinkerAmbedkar, who framed the Constitution of India.
The world knows that the work and contribution of Dr.Ambedkar in framing the Constitution of India is immense. The idea that there will be law & order problem by placing his statue in the courts is not acceptable. Therefore, the directive of the High Court Registrar should withdraw this action immediately and ensure that Ambedkar's statues and portraits along with those of Gandhi and Thiruvalluvar are displayed in the court premises.
Because Ambedkar has a place in the minds of the people as a unique individual who cannot be compared to other political leaders. And we have made a habit of placing his image in the courts and setting it up as statues. Then why remove?
The Marxist Communist Party insisted that, ``Tamil Nadu Government should intervene in this issue and take necessary legal steps''. Various party leaders including Vaiko, Ramadoss, Seeman also pressed for the same opinion. Protests were also carried out.
Tamil Nadu government's stand is that Ambedkar's pictures should not be removed in courts. Taking note of this, the Chief Justice of the Madras High Court said that no photographs of the leaders were ordered to be removed from the courts. He has announced that the current procedure will continue.
Who else deserves to appear in the courts of our country with the images of Mahatma Gandhi and Thiruvalluvar than the legal great wise man, AnnalAmbedkar?
Thanks to the Chief Justice who immediately accepted the request...thank you...thank you!