Youth Hostels Association of India Kongu Unit Meeting was held on Monday at its office at Teachers Colony. Its president Prof. Chandra Thangavel, Vice President Aavan Senthil kumar welcomed. Unit Secretary Dr.A.Raja submitted secretary's report. Then, new officebearers were announced: president Prof.Chandra Thangavel, chairman Dr.P.Ayyappan, treasurer Mahendran, Co-treasurer Shankar, vice presidents Sukumar, Senthil Kumar and Gunasekar. Then, Dr.A.Raja was selected as Secretary. EC Members: Dhavamani, Jaya Priya, Stalin, Nagarajan, Surya, Krishnasamy, Kumarasamy, Chandrasekar, Mohan, APV Ashok, Babu, Kumaresan, Balasundaram, Senthil Kumar, Elangovan and Nagendran.
Chairman Dr.P.Ayyappan recorded the minutes of past meeting. Secretary Dr.A.Raja announced that more programs will be held by Youth Hostels to commemorate Platinum jubilee of it. Treasurer Mahendran proposed a vote of thanks.